Nazi-loving Kanye is canceled for good!

Whenever Kanye says something crazy, his fans let it go; they don’t care about his crazy statement as long as the music is good. But this time around, Kanye has crossed a line, a line that many thought was impossible to cross in 2022, but Ye is known for doing crazy stuff, and what he just did is the epitome of craziness!


So Alex Jones, the famous conspiracy theorist of the United States, who is already banned on every social media, invited Kanye on this podcast because why not? And what did Kanye do? He made Alex Jones look sane, a feat that mortals can’t achieve.

Can you believe Kanye said stuff that was too far, even for Alex Jones?

Kanye literally went on the podcast and said 

I don’t like when people call Nazis ‘Evil.’

And if that wasn’t it, he also went on to say that he likes Hitler!

But wait, there's more; he even said he likes the Azov Battalion of Ukraine, a known Nazi militia!

Someone get this man his meds or professional help because the stuff he is saying nowadays is crazy.

And not just statements; this dude went on Twitter and tweeted a message that will forever be used as an insult to Elon Musk, who let Kanye back on Twitter.

Kanye tweeted this - 

Yeah, that’s right. That’s a Hook Cross inside a star of David!

Twitter suspended his account, and this time, it may be for good because there’s no coming back from this.

We have a little idea as to why Kanye is doing this, read this to understand - Ye for President 2024?

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